Monday, February 4, 2008
Riley Skinner Smokes Noles Poles

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Igor Olshansky < Intelligent
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Fratdog Sportsblog to Return beginning January 4th!

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Actually, F*ck it. I'll take 20 grand on the Spurs

"Everyone violated the rule in some way, whether it was playing poker, buying lottery tickets & but I don't consider it a violation of the rules to buy a lottery ticket or play golf for $5," Stern said.
"About half had gone to casinos over a period of years with no great frequency. No sports books. No bookmakers," Stern said, adding that enforcement of the gambling rule was so lax that referees traditionally held a large poker tournament at their annual meeting.
This explains a lot. It shows that the NBA will now leave some room for interpretation when it comes to breaking the law. It explains that referees making $300,000+ a year are inspired by a $5 bet during a round of golf, and it explains why Tim Donaghy was sucking fellow referee Joey Crawford's dick after the friendly annual poker tournament.
Bostoned out of my gord

As predicted -- Boston College and Virginia Tech are absolutely not top 10 teams. BC is good for a fumble every other play, and VT just botched a snap of their own. The game's only points (as of yet) came on a play that had no business being called a touchdown. The linesman had to ask the back judge for the call. Neither one had shit for an idea of what had happened - so they logically called it a score. In a situation like this, you should always make the safe call of incomplete and let the replay determine whether or not the scoreboard should change.
Another bright spot for Bostoners, Jason Varitek is aging well. He's 35 years old and lists Dave Matthews Band and Bare Naked Ladies as his favorite bands. Looks like his teammates finally broke him down after his Hanson stage in the '04 Series.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What do you think coach... Dawson or Danza?

David Carr - Dawson's Creek extra / worst #1 pick of all time. Leads the league in times sacked and has a serious tendency to run towards the incorrect goal line when pressured.
- Positives -- Quick, agile. Irregular throwing motion can avoid batted balls.
- Negatives -- Scared as shit in the pocket. Tendency to go colorblind and deliver the rock to opposing linebackers.

Vinny Testaverde - Tony Danza impersonator / certified old balls. Leads the league in gray hair and lives in a Residence Inn.
- Positives -- Poised, experienced. Has been in this situation enough times to give the Panthers the best chance to win
- Negatives -- Testaverde actually is colorblind. There is nothing cool about going on the IR with a broken hip either.
While it looks like Fox will take Carr - we think Testaverde gives Carolina the best shot.
Bro-hemian Rapsodhy
Watch game 1 twice, and still be entertained

- You mispronounce Tulowitzki
- Josh Beckett throws a ball
- David Ortiz smiles
Drink 10 seconds every time:
- They zoom in on Beckett's flavor saver
- David Ortiz does not smile
- You think -- ''Dustin Pedroia is pretty good considering I could probably whoop his ass" (see inset picture)
Drink a full beer when:
- Terry Francona changes his chaw
- There is a Ryan Klesko reference
- They discuss the Red Sox most recent series as 'historic'
Again, we are really looking forward to this series.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sox full of pennies

Fall is in the air. That means football, not sweating your ass off daily on the way to work, and for us baseball lovers -- The World Series. This is really an intriguing matchup. A veteran squad against a very young team; and it could end up being very exciting. This will not be the case in Game 1. Josh Beckett has been the year's best pitcher and the Red Sox have been here before. This plays well with the awe and intimidation a young player can feel on the game's biggest stage. Clint Barmes was so overwhelmed by the World Series atmosphere at Fenway, he took a seat in row CC to soak it all in.
New York -- It turned blue!

"I'm rooting for the Red Sox," the Republican presidential contender said. I'm an American League fan, and I go with the American League team, maybe with the exception of the Mets," he said. "Maybe that would be the one time I wouldn't because I'm loyal to New York."
This statement establishes three things:
- Giuliani is borderline retarded
- Giuliani has no spine
- Our next president may not own a penis
If that's not enough, he also doesn't care about votes in Colorado.
"In Colorado, in the next week or two, you will see, I will have the courage
to tell the people of Colorado the same thing, that I am rooting for the Red
Sox in the World Series," he said.
Fratdog attempted to reach Mitt Romney for comment on who he was pulling for but got no response. We're betting he'll take the polygamous safe route and pull for both.
Monday, October 22, 2007
There are no black players in college football

"We are going to immerse the user in things that make black college football different."
Black College Football eXperience aims to '"...introduce people to what really happens at a black college football game." That's right, it's a college football game with black players. While there may be quality football in an SEC, Big Ten or Pac Ten setting -- don't expect to see any black players on that racist ass EA Sports NCAA Football. "We're not just talking about football, we're talking about the football experience... The halftime show, the fifth quarter." An extra quarter? Sounds more like an Amish league to me.

Outraged caucasians have retalliated with a single race sports platform of their own: NHL '08.
Eric Ainge must be killing it!

Yo bartender, Jobu needs a refill.

Pedroia would add a 3 run double in the 8th as the Red Sox punched their ticket to the series with an 11-2 final.
Monday Night Money

$ and $$$$, depending on how strontly our team of
Monday Night Money: Indianapolis (-3). This is always a tough matchup to predict. The Colts have been a dominant force of recent years but have inexplicably struggled against fellow AFC South squads. Whether it be the Titans, Texans, or Jaguars -- Indy has had a difficult time dealing with conference opponents. The over is 45, which is pretty well placed. These games always seem to be in the 24-17 up to the 28-21 range for final scores. This being said, the Colts normally come out on top. With a spread of 3, you are best off taking the Colts.
Verdict: Indy - $$
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tommy Tuberville is missing a chromosome.